Does your water bill seem higher than usual? There’s an appliance in your house that might be draining your wallet: the washing machine. If you are wondering “how much water does a washer use?”, the average clothes washer uses 31 gallons per load.

In fact, washing machine water waste with older models can add up to more than 40 gallons per load! Let’s look at this issue, and discuss what you can do to fix that problem.

What Can You Do to Prevent Washing Machine Water Waste?

Luckily, there are a few easy ways to reduce the amount of water (and energy) used for washing clothes. Follow these water saving laundry tips from and reducing water waste today!

The TL:DR to help reduce water waste:

  • Use cold water wash and cold water detergent when possible

  • Run full loads, and set the water level appropriately for smaller loads

  • Use the right HE-labeled detergent for your High-Efficiency machine to support quick rinsing and use less water.

Let’s Dig In To Save Water While Washing Clothes

Use Less Water

As we said above: Wash and dry full loads. If you are washing a small load, use the appropriate water-level setting.

Today’s high efficient machines use significantly less water than older units. So if you find yourself wondering why your modern washer uses so much less water than your outdated version, don’t worry -- and don’t add extra water.

Front-loaders, HE top-loaders, and some newer agitator washers rely on a load-sensing feature to adjust the amount of water, based on the weight of the load, states Consumer Reports.

Don’t Overstuff the Washer

Allow enough room for the dirty laundry to move around in the washer, without overstuffing. Overloading your machine could damage the drum and decrease efficiency. Clothes won’t come out as clean, which may require you to run a second wash.

Avoiding that second wash, and rinsing clean the first time will help your clothes get cleaner, while using less water.

Check for Leaks

Leaky internal hoses, pumps, and worn out tub fittings could be causing your machine to operate less efficiently. Check out our article on what to do if your washing machine is leaking to learn more about what you can do.

Using the Right Detergent Can Save Water

If you own a front-loading washer or a high-efficiency top-loader, opt for detergents designed for high-efficiency (HE) machines. These HE detergents are specially formulated to save water and clean effectively in washers that use less water, which means you'll save water and still get your clothes clean.

HE detergents have low suds and quickly rinse, making the most of your water-saving washer.

Use Colder Water:

Wash your clothes in cold water using cold-water detergents whenever possible. Unless you're dealing with oily stains, the warm or cold water setting on your machine will generally do a good job of cleaning your clothes.

Switching your temperature setting from hot to warm can cut a load's energy use in half.

Consider Local Utility Time-of-Day Programs

These programs offer lower energy costs at certain times of day (often overnight). If you can plan to do your laundry overnight, you can pay less to do your laundry. Contact your utility for more information.

Investing in an Upgraded Washing Machine

Without question, one of the most powerful things you can do is make sure that your washing machine is the most up to date it can be, as new technologies consistently improve water savings.

It’s an investment, but the cleaner clothes, and environmental responsibility, both wear well.

Washers built before 2003 use significantly more water than newer ones. High-efficiency, front-loading clothes washers can use as little as 13 gallons of water per load.

That’s three times LESS water than an older, inefficient machine!

If you do laundry once a week, you could save 1,404 gallons of water using high efficiency, front-loading clothes washer. Not only is that better for the environment -- it’s better for your water bill, too!

We’re Here to Help!

If you’re looking to upgrade water appliances or simply stop a leak, contact Benjamin Franklin Plumbing and make an appointment today. Our skilled plumbers can address any laundry leaks you might have. And we’re always happy to help homeowners choose new, more energy-efficient options for the home.