How Can You Save Water in the Kitchen in Pleasantville?
May 1, 2020
The kitchen is where most households waste the most water, but there are easy ways to avoid wasting this precious resource. Additionally, using only the water you need makes it easier on your plumbing system and fixtures.
By making some simple adjustments to your habits, you can make a big difference in your water use.
- Wait Until the Dishwasher is Full - Running small loads of dishes through the dishwasher only creates the need for more wash cycles. Make sure your dishwasher is packed to capacity before hitting the start button.
- Fill the Sink to Wash Dishes - For dishes, you need to wash by hand, fill the sink with a sudsy bath, rather than letting the faucet run.
- Don’t Run Water While Brushing Teeth - Many people leave the water running while they brush. This is a simple habit to break, but makes a big difference in the long run.
- Don’t Use Water to Defrost Foods - Instead of leaving frozen foods under running tap water, plan ahead and defrost foods in the fridge overnight.
- Catch Cold Water While You Wait for Hot Water - Waiting for tap water to heat up lets perfectly clean water go down the drain. Instead of letting the faucet run, catch cold water in a pitcher and use it to water plants, fill the dog’s bowl, or do a small cleaning task.
- Find Ways to Use Old Ice Cubes - Most people pour stale ice down the drain, but ice cubes are also great for watering plants.
- Use Properly Sized Pots - Using pots that are too large for the portion of food you’re cooking leads to excess water being wasted. Instead, make sure you have pots in a variety of sizes, so you only use as much water as you need.
When it comes to conserving water in the kitchen, a little bit goes a long way. And before you know it, doing the right thing each time you turn on the tap will feel like second nature. Not only will saving water in the kitchen make you feel better about your impact on the planet, but it will also extend the life of your pipes because the less water you use, the less corrosion and mineral buildup will occur. Contact the professionals at Benjamin Franklin Plumbing for more information!