Drain clogs are bad any time of the year, but they can be especially troublesome during the winter when you’re entertaining, celebrating the holidays, or having guests stay at your Northern Minnesota home. It's even worse if one happens while you're in the middle of cooking a large meal. Knowing how to prevent drain clogs and what to do if they occur can significantly limit the resulting damage and your level of stress.

Don’t Put Grease, Oil, or Fat Down the Drain

Comfort foods, such as those that many people dig into during the cold winter months, typically include a lot of grease, oil, and fat. None of these oily substances should go down the drain. Even doing it one time can start a clog forming or layers building up on the interior walls. Some people think watering these substances down will make a difference and prevent them from clogging the drain. There are even those who put them down the toilet and flush it due to that reasoning. However, at some point, the fat, oil, and grease will solidify. Whether it’s in a thin or thick layer, they can easily line the interior walls of the drains or form into a large chunk. Instead of letting it go down the drain, wait until the grease, fat, or oil cools completely and hardens in the pan, and then pull it out and dispose of it in the trash. Another option is to pour it into an aluminum can, let it harden, and then toss the entire can away.

Wash Your Pets Away From Your Home

Many pet owners will wash their pets during the winter to ensure they’re clean for when guests arrive at their Northern Minnesota residence. The winter temperatures likely won’t allow a comfortable, safe experience if you wash your pets outdoors, so consider taking them to the groomer. This prevents their fur from clogging your shower drain, even if you have a drain stopper in place, and they'll still get thoroughly cleaned and fluffed. If you brush your pets at home, throw all the fur into the garbage can rather than putting it into the sink or toilet bowl.

Ensure You Have a Well-Fitting Drain Stopper or Cover

A drain stopper or cover in your bathroom sink, shower, or kitchen sink won’t do much good if it doesn’t fit properly. For example, if you have a removable shower drain cover in place but half of it is curling up, it’s easily going to let hair and conditioner go right past and into your drain. If you’re expecting guests to stay at your home and more people will be using your shower than usual, making sure the drain stopper or cover fits well is particularly important to do before the holiday season.

Avoid Putting Boiling Water Down Your Drain

If you’re one of the many people who put boiling water down your drain, you’re likely causing damage to your pipes. Some do this to remove clogs, while others do it regularly when they’re cooking, such as if they want to drain pasta. Both options are problematic because most drains aren’t designed to withstand excessively hot temperatures. It can especially cause a problem if you’re doing it to remove a significant clog. The water will stop at the clog while it’s trying to work its way past, and it can cause focused damage where it sits. Let the water cool off before you put it down the drain when you’re cooking, and if you’re trying to get rid of a severe clog, calling a plumber could prove more beneficial and less destructive to your pipes.

Dump Food Scraps in the Garbage Can

Avoid leaving food scraps, even relatively small ones, in bowls and on plates when you put them into the sink before you’re ready to wash them. To prevent the pieces from going down the drain, scrape everything into a garbage can or garbage disposal first. Small pieces might not seem as though they would be problematic, but they can easily get caught up in your drain and clog it, especially if there’s a blockage currently forming. While you’re washing dirty dishware and pots, make sure your drain stopper is in place to catch pieces of any size.

Don’t Remove the Drain Stopper With the Water Running

Many people do a great job at remembering to put the drain stopper in place while doing the dishes but don’t turn the water off when cleaning it out. This might not seem like a big deal, but if the water is running while you’re throwing out the contents of your drain stopper into the garbage can, any other remaining chunks and particles in your sink are getting caught in the running water and going down your drain. Before you clean out the drain stopper, turn off the water, let the water drain completely out of your sink, and then empty out the stopper. Turn the water back on and use the nozzle to push the remaining chunks and particles into the drain stopper instead of down the drain. You might have to clean it out a second time, but it’s better than having the pieces create or contribute to a clog.

Get Professional Drain Cleaning Before the Holiday Season

Professional drain cleaning should happen at your Northern Minnesota home at least once annually. Depending on how many people regularly use the sinks and showers, you may find it beneficial to get it done more than once a year. If the winter in Northern Minnesota will have you hosting guests at your home, it’s ideal to get drain cleaning done in fall before the holiday season. It’s a great way to prepare for increased usage, especially if multiple people will be staying with you. With existing clogs and any buildup on the interior walls gone, your drains will be free of debris!

Regularly Clean Out All Your Drain Stoppers

Due to the visible food particles, it’s easy to remember to clean out your drain stopper in the kitchen, but remembering to position the ones in the showers and bathroom sinks may require a conscious effort. Hair, shampoo, toothpaste, makeup, and various other debris get stuck in the drain stopper and require manual removal. Some pieces might break off as the water flows over them and sends them right into a clog. Clean out your drain stoppers every day or two to prevent trapped debris from going down the drain. Taking effective preventative measures is a great way to prevent drain clogs at your Northern Minnesota home during the winter. If one should occur, reach out to us at Benjamin Franklin Plumbing® in Ramsey, MN. We can clear the clog and get your sink and drains back to full capacity. Contact our team today for drain cleaning and maintenance in the Ramsey, MN, area.