Touch Faucets: Everything You Need to Know

Anyone who loves to cook and maintain a clean kitchen shares one common need: an extra hand! Touch faucets are a great way to make preparing meals and cleaning up a little more convenient. They may also reduce the spread of germs by minimizing contact with a faucet handle. We’ve put together answers to the most common questions our technicians get about touch faucets.

What Is a Touch Faucet?

A touch-activated kitchen faucet allows users to start and stop the stream of water with a single touch, usually on the faucet spout. Some models have additional features, such as automatically shutting off the water after a few seconds without needing a second tap. Touch faucets have been around for several years but are growing in popularity as homeowners put a renewed emphasis on technology and convenience around the house.

Touch vs. Touchless Faucets

Touch faucets differ from touchless faucets in an obvious but significant way. As its name implies, touchless don’t require physical contact to turn on or off. Instead, they use a sensor that can be activated by the wave of a hand near the faucet. Touchless faucets reduce the spread of germs but are more likely to be triggered accidentally.

Some faucet models can be set to touch or touchless mode, so you can choose what works best for you.

How Do Touch Faucets Work?

Touch faucets rely on a variation of the same technology your smartphone touchscreen is built on. Humans hold a tiny electrical charge called a capacitance. This small spark equates to roughly 100-200 picofarads, the same range touch faucets (and touch screens) can detect.

One touch turns the faucet on. A second touch turns the faucet off. You can control the temperature at the handles, setting it to a comfortable mix of hot and cold that the faucet will use until adjusted again. It’s a solution elegant in its simplicity and a big reason why we’ve been installing touch and touchless faucets for our Indianapolis neighbors.

Are Touch Faucets Worth It?

There are a few advantages to touch faucets, but it really comes down to convenience. The ability to quickly control your faucet makes it easier to accomplish plenty of everyday tasks, saving you a little time here and there. There are a few other reasons we think touch faucets are a smart idea:

  • Less cleaning. Grabbing the kitchen faucet with dirty hands means you’ll have to clean the handle once you’re done scrubbing everything else. Instead, activate the sink with a bump from a clean forearm or elbow to save the time you would have spent cleaning the faucet later!

  • Fewer germs. Touching the sink handle spreads germs, especially after sneezing or coughing. Touch-activated kitchen faucets can lower the risk of foodborne illnesses like salmonella. Instead of getting raw egg or meat on the handle, touch faucets let you wash up without spreading germs.

  • Water conservation. Touch faucets that automatically turn off after a few seconds can reduce water usage. The average flow rate of a kitchen faucet is 1-2.2 gallons per minute. Over time, the water you save a few seconds at a time can equate to substantially lower water use!

  • Easy-use controls. For young children or people with motor disabilities, touch faucets are easier to turn on and off. Faucets that turn on with a tap are more user-friendly than handles or knobs that may be difficult to grip.


Do Touch Faucets Need Electricity or Do Touch Faucets Have Batteries?

Depending on your model, touch faucets either have batteries or rely on electricity from a nearby GFCI outlet. If you don’t have room on the GFCI outlet under your sink, save time and money by installing a touch faucet that uses batteries.

Why Is My Touch Faucet Not Working?

Touch faucets are reliable and last a long time, but they do sometimes fail. The most common issue with touch faucets is power-related. Most touch faucets have an LED light on the fixture that gives you a heads-up that the battery is low. Always start the troubleshooting process by replacing the batteries.

Other problems could be more complex and involve a bad solenoid valve, plumbing issues, or both. Contact Benjamin Franklin Plumbing of Indianapolis for fast and professional repairs if your troubleshooting comes up short.

Get a Handle on More Kitchen Upgrades

From touch faucet installation to energy-efficient water heaters, Benjamin Franklin Plumbing of Indianapolis is your trusted, professional plumbing service provider. Our technicians are always ready to provide emergency plumbing repairs or find the nifty and convenient tech that makes your home run smoothly. Request a appointment online or call (317) 316-3261 today for all your plumbing needs!