Summer's here, and with it comes high temperatures and increased water usage. During the summer, the average American household uses a staggering 1,000 gallons of water daily – a stark contrast to the year-round average of 320 gallons! This surge translates to higher water bills, but there's good news: implementing a few simple water-saving practices can make a big difference. Here at Benjamin Franklin Plumbing of Cincinnati, we're committed to helping you stay cool and conserve this precious resource.

  1. Shower Power: Less Time, More Savings

We all love a long, luxurious shower, but water adds up quickly. For example, a typical shower head can use upwards of 2.5 gallons of water per minute. Here's the key takeaway: even a small reduction in shower time can lead to significant water savings. Aim for showers under 5 minutes – you can even set a timer to keep yourself accountable. Every minute counts!

  1. Laundry Efficiency: Full Loads, Smart Settings 

Your washing machine and dishwasher are workhorses but can be water hogs if not used efficiently. Here's the golden rule: only run these appliances with full loads. Nowadays, Most machines have water level settings that automatically adjust based on the load size. Take advantage of this feature to avoid wasting precious water on half-full cycles.

  1. Every Drop Counts: Turn Off the Tap

It's easy to leave the faucet running while brushing your teeth, shaving, or washing dishes by hand. But those seemingly insignificant seconds/minutes can add up quickly. Make a conscious effort to turn off the faucet when not actively using the water. Every drop saved contributes to a lower water bill and a healthier environment.

  1. Leak Detection: Be Vigilant, Save Gallons

Leaks are silent and can become costly. A leaky faucet can waste gallons of water daily, while a running toilet can rack up hundreds of gallons in a month. To prevent these hidden drains on your wallet and water supply, regularly check your faucets, toilets, and sprinkler systems for leaks. If you suspect a leak, don't hesitate to call Benjamin Franklin Plumbing of Cincinnati for prompt and professional leak detection and repair services.

  1. Early Bird Watering: Beat the Evaporation

Keeping your lawn and garden vibrant during the summer heat requires watering, but strategic timing is key. The sun's heat can cause significant water evaporation, making watering less effective. To maximize water absorption and minimize evaporation, water your lawn and gardens early in the morning or evening when temperatures are cooler.

  1. Beyond the Basics: Partnering for Water Conservation

These are just a few simple steps you can take to conserve water this summer. At Benjamin Franklin Plumbing of Cincinnati, we're committed to water conservation and environmental responsibility. We offer a wide range of water-saving plumbing products and services, including:

  • Low-flow showerheads and faucets: Upgrade your existing fixtures with water-efficient models that deliver a satisfying shower or faucet experience while using significantly less water.
  • High-efficiency toilets: Traditional toilets can use up to five gallons per flush. Modern high-efficiency toilets use a fraction of that amount, saving you water and money.
  • Leak detection and repair: Our experienced plumbers can quickly identify and repair leaks, preventing wasted water and spikes in water bills.

Cincinnati’s Local Plumbing Leak Detection Experts

Reducing unnecessary water usage is important year-round, but especially in the summer months when water is needed more often. That's why it's crucial to have a reliable plumbing service to help identify and fix leaks promptly. At Benjamin Franklin Plumbing of Cincinnati, we specialize in leak detection and repair, ensuring your plumbing system operates efficiently and without waste. Our team uses advanced technology to detect even the smallest leaks, helping you save water and reduce utility bills. 

Whether it's a dripping faucet, a running toilet, or a hidden leak in your pipes, our experts are here to provide quick and effective solutions. By addressing leaks early, we help you conserve water and prevent potential water damage that can lead to costly repairs. Trust us to keep your plumbing system in top shape so you can enjoy a worry-free summer with optimal water usage.